
At Cherry Orchard Primary School our intention is to provide quality teaching and learning of History.  We aim:

    • To promote an interest and curiosity about the past
    • To develop an understanding of events over time and in a chronological order
    • To learn about the roles that individuals and events have played in shaping modern society
    • To develop an ability to investigate and interpret different versions of past events
    • To learn to study historical evidence and to ask and answer critical questions about the past
    • To develop the ability to communicate historical knowledge and understanding using a variety of techniques
    • To encourage children to understand other people, their beliefs, thoughts, values and experiences
    • To develop an awareness of the world around them
    • To develop an understanding of society and their place within it, so that they acquire a sense of their cultural heritage
    • To develop a knowledge and understanding of historical development in the wider world.
    • To understand the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and the relationships between different groups
    • To ensure the history curriculum enhances children’s knowledge and understanding of Unicef’s rights of the child. 
    • To help children to see that change is possible and gives them an insight into the process of change.