

Our Vision

PE is vital at Cherry Orchard because in fostering a healthy life for now and forever, we provide a basis for a prosperous future that will allow our pupils to learn life skills and cope with competition, successes and failures in life. In PE we develop pupils' fundamental movement skills in preparation for their next stage in education.  PE is essential because we learn about healthy eating and healthy bodies, which helps to improve mental health. We will ensure pupils have a wide access to lessons, Intra and Inter-School Games, competition week, swimming lessons and clubs that are equitable for all. We will provide these experiences inclusively and equitably for those who are the least active. We will provide at least 1.5 hours of PE each week in a range of sports and games, provide clubs, Sports Crew, assemblies and sporting visitors as inspiration. 

About P.E. in the National Curriculum

We follow the Real PE schemes of work where knowledge and skills are taught progressively linked to the National Curriculum.  There are 6 different learning behaviours which underpin the Real PE delivery: personal, social, cognitive, creative, physical and health and fitness.  Each half term all children across the school focus on one of these areas.

The National Curriculum for P.E. aims to ensure that all pupils should be taught to:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Be physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Lead healthy, active lives
  • Swim 25m using a range of strokes and be able to self-save. Year 5 will go swimming for one hour each week.

How do we participate in School Games?

Inter-house games take place at the end of most half terms and will reflect the prior teaching in both indoor and outdoor P.E. for that half term. Pupils will compete against other pupils in each house.

inter-school games take place as arranged by the School Games Coordinator - Jo Nightingale throughout the year where pupils compete against other pupils in their cluster.

Our School Games Outcomes 22-23

Outcome 1:  Maintaining and growing your school's engagement in the School Games and your delivery of 60 active minutes for every child.

  • Sports Crew run lunchtime activities to promote 60 active minutes to their own year group.  Year 5 run a weekly lunchtime club for Year 1 and 2 pupils. (Student leadership) (120)
  • PE lead attended PE cluster meetings – October 22 and June 23
  • PE lead to attend Pathway to Podium development session – May 23
  • Year 3 dance competition – 13 pupils entered.
  • Winter SEND sports festival for 8 Resource Base pupils.
  • One teacher attended the dance CPD (staff CPD)
  • Jo Nightingale to support ECT in Year 2 with behaviour management and classroom organisation of PE in the first instance.  Address a range of areas e.g. gymnastics, fundamental movement skills and ball skills.
  • LTA tennis sessions – 10 hours used to support the teaching of tennis for Year 3 teachers (60 pupils) – pupils signed posted to Springfield tennis session outside of school.
  • Completed Active School Planner heat map – to now work on these
  • New parent governor decided
  • KS2  Weekly Google Classroom homework tracker - target pupils who are not active.
  • 105 pupils have attended before and after school multi-sports club. 28% participation rate.
  • Karate – after school club on a Friday – 16 pupils
  • Living Streets Walk to School begun in the Spring term encouraging all pupils to take active travel to school – assembly to launch – March 312 badges earnt
  • Modeshift Stars  Green Accredited (March 2023) to promote active travel and sustainability
  • Our SGO has delivered training to Lunchtime Supervisors to learn how to play games and encourage activity during the 30 minute outdoor lunch break
  • Intra-school games

Outcome 2: To create positive experiences by ensuring physical activity and competition provision is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of young people and has clear intent

Targeting young people who need the intervention most (particularly but not exclusively those from low socio-economic backgrounds, minority ethnic groups, SEND, girls) to improve their physical literacy, social, emotional and physical wellbeing.

  • SEND pupils targeted for multi-sports Winter Festival.  (8)
  • SEND pupils targeted for multi-sports Summer Festival.  (8)
  • Sports crew leaders made up of the majority of dis-advantaged pupils.  (28)
  • Active Kids Day at Hamstead Hall which coincides with residential trip to the Pioneer Centre to ensure all pupils in Year 6 take part in adventurous and outdoor activities including rock climbing, archery and abseiling. (20)
  • Intra-school competition for KS2 pupils: dance (48) (using technology to develop physical skills)  Netball (52), archery (76) (widening the competition environment - inclusive), benchball (60)
  • Intra-school competition during competition week – Cross country (53) , orienteering (12), football (32), basketball (28)
  • Girls’ football tournament as part of the FA largest school session at St Paul’s. (6)
  • Year ¾ mixed football tournament at WBA Academy Dome (6)

Outcome 3: To have a clear focus on secondary schools and transition points (Yr.3 and Yr.6/7)

Continuing to prioritise the engagement and delivery in Secondary Schools but in addition recognising the impact in early Key Stage 2.

  • LTA tennis sessions delivered to Year 3. (60)
  • Dance group targeted to Year 3. (13)
  • Year 6 attended an Active Schools Day at Hamstead Hall – local feeder school. (20)

Outcome 4: Creating positive experiences that support the character development of targeted young people.

This includes opportunities across the full breadth of the School Games which incorporates the delivery of high quality, inclusive leadership and volunteering

  • Sports Crew leaders (at least 5) in each year group.  Delivering leadership activities to younger pupils. (28)
  • SEND Winter WBA Festivals (8)
  • Pupil voice from Sports' day to 
  • ACTIVE LIVES SURVEY – 103 pupils have completed and one staff member.
  • Completed Pathway to Podium to action plan - silver accreditation
  • Targeted girls (6) for #LetUsPlay football tournament – 2 girls have written a report for the newsletter to promote football
  • Cricket coaching from ECB (17th April) to promote cricket in the local area (120)
  • Cycling club for targeted year 5 and 6 pupils – 3 hours in Summer term from British Cycling. (12)

Outcome 5: Advocated to key stakeholders how the School Games makes a meaningful difference to the lives of children and young people, including engaging and educating parents.

Participation in physical activity and competition will impact on young people’s physical, emotional and social wellbeing and influence the likelihood of continued engagement both at school and in the community, creating habits for life.

  • Newsletters – signposting – PBSSS, karate, multi-sports, Springfield tennis club, British cycling
  • Twitter – physical activities tweeted and sports promoted @swim_England @Sport_England, @hamsteadhallSGO
  • Letters – school games on letterhead
  • Website – twitter and newsletter linked to this.
  • Healthy eating workshops