At Cherry Orchard Primary School we aim:
- To provide a range of geographical experiences, both in and out of the classroom, which encourage children to build interest and enjoyment, knowledge, understanding and confidence, as well as allowing them to achieve to the maximum of their potential in the subject.
- To foster a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world in which they live and develop a sense of place.
- To develop their geographical vocabulary and a range of skills and apply them in an increasing range of situations to carry out geographical enquiry and to interpret geographical information.
- To communicate geographical information in a variety of ways.
- To become familiar with their own surroundings and extend their interest, knowledge and understanding of contrasting localities in Britain, Europe and the wider world.
- To develop knowledge and understanding of the human and physical processes and patterns which shape places and extend this to an appreciation of interconnections within and between different places.
- To adopt an enquiring approach to the world around them, developing in their ability to formulate appropriate questions, research, handle data and draw conclusions.
- To appreciate similarity and difference in the world around them, having empathy for the lives of others and respect for others’ beliefs, attitudes and values.
- To enhance their sense of responsibility for the care of the earth and its people.
- To develop a simple understanding of environmental sustainability and how they can be actively involved in living as sustainably as possible.