

PSHE is taught as a spiralling curriculum across the school under the advice of the PSHE Association.  It makes a significant contribution to the development of a wide range of essential interpersonal, intrapersonal and enquiry skills.

The three main areas of learning

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world – Economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen

The overarching concepts within PSHE

  • Identity (their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these)
  • Relationships (including different types and in different settings)
  • A healthy (including physically, emotionally and socially) balanced lifestyle (including within relationships, work-life, exercise and rest, spending and saving and diet)
  • Risk (to be managed rather than simply avoided) and safety (including behaviour and strategies in different settings)
  • Diversity and equality (in all its forms)
  • Rights, responsibilities (including fairness and justice) and consent (in different contexts)
  • Change (as something to be managed) and resilience (the skills, strategies and ‘inner resources’ we can draw on when faced with challenging change or circumstance)
  • Power (how it is used and encountered in a variety of contexts including persuasion, bullying, negotiation and ‘win-win’ outcomes)
  • Career (including enterprise and economic understanding) 

At Cherry Orchard, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE schemes.  These fall under 6 topic titles which Years 1 - 6 follow.  The skills taught are progressive.